Wednesday, July 30, 2008
*Kay,sungguh tak perlu...*
So, hows my day today??
good and bad, but overall , i feel a lil'down , moody and crappy... :-/ :(
and from my inference , other ppl are also feeling down like fionabby,kimbby,izzatibby & i think sarahbby too... or maybe she a little bit only...
well , all i can say is sabar ppls , u guys need some time to think things through again then you'll noe wat exactly is wrong and that wat is it that you have to improve......
and if you're rajin , check ur horoscope & it will help you and if they're close enough ....
they may tell/say wat u're gonna feel on that day....
say whatever you want abt me being a horoscope freak but wat i read is close to wat happened to me..... if it doesn't happen to you.. then too bad... i'm just suggesting..
Horoscope doesn't tell you the future , but it helps you to
it says something and its up to you to choose to do it or not....
or even to believe it or not...
And it'll make you happy/excited if its GOOD! :))
if its BAD , follow wat it says
so you won't react in the worst manner and embarass urself or feel ashamed of wat you did when u're not supposed to....
Understand now?today got stupid workshop, didn't find it useful as i know it alreadyand its about BASIC stuff...didn't enjoy myself... fee escape from it....Ayohhhhhhh, kau nanti in trouble ar...hahahahaha kay,juz kidding..... be strong kay fee? dun sad2 :)) i'm here for you yo!sarah blanje me chocolate sundae from mc donald...
so nice of her...
Thank you sarah :))
p/s:eh,dun blanje me anymore ah, you blanje me
alot of times already eh sayang...
before that, we went to library to do geog project...
then i was naughty... i read seventeen magazine, march issue..
while flipping thru it , alot pictures/paper was cut and teared...
so wat thing that i did was naughty?
i teared an INTERESTING article from that magazine...
*HARGGHH!* :-o
(i'm so bad right?)
nvm mind uhh, da byk org tear pieces from that what difference will it make if it tear something too?
the article that i teared has very good tips and really help abt something...
Not gonna tell you whats the article abt even if you forced me :P
yearh , thats wat happened... actually there's alot more happened today but i'm really tired now... got to sleep yo..
will update again kay.......
till then... bye2!^^
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today , something happened that TOTALLY had me startled :-0 ;))
SOFIAbby and FATINbby beat me during morning run lurh seyyyy...:D
when i entered the main gate , i saw them :))
in side my heart *Eh , fatin & sofia beat me?? FIRST time siolxzsxzszxzs* ;)
good for them . GOOD JOB korang :))
All thanx to IZZATIbby for motivating , encouraging , and forcing them :))
hahahahahahaha. :D
But i feel disappointed abit bcos for the past two years , during p.e or morning run ,
i & kim have been the one who semangat and like to run and so ,
i had often asked sofia and fatin to run , but they didn't.....
Naughty eh korang . . . . make me feel a little sedih..
well , i guessed izzati is a much better coach then me :))
Keep it up the both of you , fatinn and sofyah.. =)Okay , so wat else that happened today....hmmm ...
*thinks hard..*
ouhyah, kim didn't come for cca today..:(
i want her to come but there's a crisis at home....
stoopid lah , why the room's door locked??
Now, i'm bored , damn tired , and really need rest(S) :))
i do want to write abt other things that happened but my finger now is wiggly and lazy to type...:(
so thats all i afford to write abt today...
will updating if i rajin kay.....
goodnight readers!
Labels: Dorang beat aku larh sheyyy ^___^
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Us ... :))

Fareha and meeee :)

Cute,sweet,baek,lawar gerl Farehaaaaaaaa :))
Pictures taken after sst.
Today , 23rd july, is sweet kimbee's 7 month aniversary with her boyfie,najib...
i wish you last long babe!!!!!! don't fight often kay? the both of you can go
further lahhhh... Cheer up! :))
i was late for school , luckily kim was late with me too...
ader kawannnnnn :))...
at first , we want to run to the gate but the weather was really bad...
the clouds become DAMN DARK areadi.... so no mood to rush..
so we walk slowly to the main gate...
we walk on the big padang,grass and leaves and twigs stuck on my shoe...
make it dirtyyyy... stoopid...
then, punishment for being late is sing the national anthem without the song..
must sing loudloud, same goes to pledge....
then , when me and kim heading to class , nobody was there.... :( it was supposed to be bio lessons....
luckily the cleaner was nearby and helped us to open the door..
so we put our heavy bags and head off to search where the class could be....
we search high and low and tk jumpejumpe... from level 1 until 4.... }:-l fed up siol....
we think that they would be at sci lab or computer lab but don't have.....
lupe nyer kat library... didn't thought library would be the place for sci lessons...
so me and kimbee sit at toilet, singsing , waste time and also revise for chem test...
then p.e. , i forget to bring my p.e. shirt and short...
then , there's no chem test... the class go to library instead of just staying in class...
did what was supposed to do then sleep..
wooooooooooow , i had a plenty good time of rest.....
so shiok and nyenyak... with no one to disturb me :))
so happy i get to rest :D
and other stuff happen , blah blah blah... yada yada yada...
went to sst even though i don't need to .. did my homework..
yayy! so no more homework for today..
sst ends.
accompany kimberly to the toilet that got lesser ppl with fareha as well...
she need to be lawarlawar before meet boyfie mah...
good girlfriend.. ;)
hahahahahaha XD
leaves the school.
then separates with kim as she go with her boyfie..
me and fareha talktalk and chat long abt this particular somebody..
He is so prasan... haiyo... thanx fareha for telling me all the info :))
then i go back woodlandsmart to buy ice cream at mc donald and saw fatin , sofia , izzati and her friend,forgot her name...
me,fatin, hang out at sofia's house... i was bored , nothing to do so i followed them..
anyway i don't even like my home.. like s*** only....
will only ruin my day...
after a while , leaves sofia's house .
Fatin and i walked home together :))
talk abt what we want to do when we're adults already , our ambitions , abt teachers lahh and other stuff you can think of....
So that was my day readers , will updating more if i rajinnnnnnn .
Take care ! :))
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wonderful classmates and BFFs :))
Sweet,kind,friendly,pretty gerl Jasma and me :))
okay , so da lamerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr aku tk blog .that's bcos my mother hide the lap top and i'm so malas to beg from her --.--
Kay so , alot of things happened .
And there's no more fight between us anymore :)) (since a week ago or so..)
we all made mistake , we fight, we're not perfect , we apologised , and we're friends again :))
yeayyyyyy! so wat to talk abt now?... hmmm.....
thursday was great , i had fun ,we take pictures, get to crap with bffs and
it was Racial Harmony Day . and that's the day kim apologised to sofia,fatin and izzati, FINALLY :))
We all would sound bitchy when we're angry but we must control our
anger at times . and dun get confused or misinterprete easily .
i'm the peacemaker :)) , and so i asked kim to blanje me :))
kurang ajar eh? kay,i'm soooo tak tau malu .
Thank you very much kim bcos u treat me chocolate iceblended bubble tea:D
very much appreciated, sorry if i asked too much ,i asked that bcos i have not
eaten/drink my own thing during breakfast,recess and even lunch before sst , i cannot tahan anymore., and so i asked for bubble tea ,
to me, it'll make me full somehow....
and sofia , sorry bcos i refused to teman you buy stationeries at woodlands mart .i was feeling kinda of penat , malas , and saket bcos of my kasut high heel ...--.--
okay , thats all readers , will be updating if i rajin okay:))
T a k e c a r e !
Friday, July 11, 2008
I'm feeling a little suckish and blue today .
I don't understand why that somebody is still giving me cold shoulders...
You seem so mad and furious that you won't ever forgive me?? Nor reply what i had said ? why?why?why?
Now i feel that you're hateful of me . . . Who's playing the hate game now? I don't hate you fatin , i know you're pissed/sad that izzati said she'll want to back off because she don't want people to hate her but i don't hate her for being close to you nor sofia . Things are better already right ?
why do you think i don't mean what i say ? I'm sorry i'd made you invincible and hurt you fatin , really minta maaf . I realize i'm not a good and equal fren to you ... I'm unfair and merepek.
I'm trying my best to simplify this misunderstanding in a good,mature,and polite way once and for all . Don't ignore me and what i had said . Because if you're just not answering me , that just shows that you don't forgive me . And what does it mean by not forgiving someone ? It means "I'M STILL MAD AT YOU AND I HATE YOU."
Hey , actually i do care for you and love you but at the end of the day, its you who choose to think whether i love you or not . I can't change what you think . I do want you back, but would you want me ? I don't think so bcos i know you'll be happier with that precious fren of yours,Izzati . Its sad to lose someone,that is you,but i thought this is what you want? right?
So lets summarize things up,
you're heartbroken,damn sad,and angry bcos i'd made you invincible.I'm in the wrong,I apologized. Do you accept it? i dun noe yet . Do i wish to let you go? Absolutely no . Do YOU want to go? It seems like yes ... So don't hate me nor give me the cold shoulders okay. Its your life, you say what you want and you choose who you want to be with . Am i stopping you? no. However I do feel sad that you're not close to me as before :( but hey, you'll be happier with her , and the rest, right? So i guess this is goodbye to our BFFness friendship and helloe to a new different type of friendship between me and you.
I still have sarah,fiona and kim. sofia? i dun noe yet .
Saye pasrah dan saye ikhlas.
Terima Kasih banyakbanyak untuk apa yg kamu telah buatkan untukku fatin. Saye amat menghargai nye.
And i'll always be there if you ever need any help or anything . Thanx for a l l the wonderful memories . :))
And i want to say . . .
Thanx for treating me starbuck cheese cake that time:)
Thanx for being open minded and tangan terbuka for borrowing me $6 just like that, that time:)
Thanx for the Forever 21 gorgeous ring birthday present:)
And many many more! :)))
All the best in everything that you do okay fatin.
Take care.
I can't believe SO MUCH THINGS can happened in TWO days...
Starting from today , the two nice people i've meet are not as close as before .
Fatin , i don't know that you were feeling 'like that' deep down inside and
you REALLY did express it in your previousprevious post .
Well, i don't know what to say . I can see that you're feeling very miserable .Its your life , and you choose with whom you want to be close and friends with okay?do what that makes you happy bcos i think you won't be happy even if we did get back togetheras before . I know that you are a really wonderful person deep down inside and i have seenyou like that many times before .
I'm sorry Fatin bcos i make you feel invincible sometimes /or most of the time, sorry fatin , minta maaf . And i want to clear something too , i'm not jealous if fatin and sofia are close with izzati , really .
Izzati , i don't hate you okay? I don't think you're stealing my bff , fatin and sofia ,
or maybe they're not my bff anymore . I think you're a nice,helpful and friendly girl :).
Please don't make this misunderstanding the reason that my friendship with you will be different . i dun noe about the rest on how they think and feel about you... but this is wat i REALLY and TRULY feel . Just don't make this matter more worse okay }:-) :-S :-l ;] but i know you're trying to help fatin/sofia . Thanx for everything you did for sarah and me , thanx for teaching me maths when i dun noe the answer . ;)) Don't think that i hate you , dulu jer ah aku hate kau bcos sofia close ngan kau but now i don't hate nor feel jealous when you're close with sofia :) So , no more hard feelings ?
To Sofia , i don't know what you're thinking or doing right now bcos you haven't blog yet nor show your feelings . Just don't keep quiet and keep it all inside okay , do talk , show, express , and say what you want to say to me or whoever else(kim,fiona,sarah) . Its
really not healthy to keep all the CRAP feelings inside . Don't you want to clear anything ?? The reason why I distanced myself from you is bcos I feel and think that you've changed . Do i really want to end friendship with you ? I don't think so bcos i know you're a really good person inside and we had gone through thick and thin together . Just that i find you different than before since last week . Do you really want to end friendship with me ? I dun noe what you think of me , but i sure do want to say that be with somebody that will make you happy . Its your life babe , i'm not forcing you to choose me .
Semuwe org ader favourites and not so favourites . And of course i can't please everybody and you too can't please everybody . Thank you for all the moments that we've spent together :D :)) , i really appreciate it and enjoyed it , oh gosh , it had been a really roller coaster ride being with you , good times and bad times . All the best in everything that you do okay sofia . :)
Now i've said what i want to say ... lega siket hati kuuu... :DD
Okay , thats all i think and feel
for now.... will be posting more if i have other feelings ..
O k a y , take care KPO readers .
hahahahaahahahahaah XD
Okay,just kidding.. :)) Byeeeeee !
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Today , wednesday .....
just like any other typical day since school had started
only that today funny,unlucky and lucky things happened :))
today is the day i finally gave sarah the present,
a handbag and a beatles t-shirt.
during queue-ing time before having PE ,
suddenly the alarmed sound ,
Alahai,baru looking forward nak maen PE,
da kene assemble kat padang panas2siolololll
ader banyak grasshopper pulak tu,
gatal buntot and peha aku ....
and then for my napha test,
i get bronze,quite disappointed bcos i was expecting GOLD :))
already counted and it shud be gold :P
stupid system, how it count seyy..
then there's elective remedial ,
i dun noe whether i need to go or not
but i just go bcos i wouldn't want my name to be called up
early morning tomorrow...
Mr. Wee was damn funny siolollol.....
he showed how he cut and bent the acrylic by melting it..
style uhh...
Before he cut it, he did this stupid excercise
like tai-chi tai-chi, then shake his butt lahhh...
wat lahh , konon nyer dier professional uhh and some other stupid stuff..
hahahahaahahahha. XD
If you're there , you will laugh ur arse out too! :DD
then,after cutting , he need to blow it with this blower at 500 degree , to bent it .
hot seyy , and he did another stupid stuff ,
he go and blow his hair and body and armpits and all over the body...
while blowing his hair , jun hong suddenly sing
hahahahahaah XD
Mr. Wee lagi bleh kate , "uh yearh oh *smiles & laugh*, sing thats song for me again..."
& for the rest of the remedial , he kept singing that song ..
stretchstretch and drag the song pulak tu..
hahahaahahahahahaahahah ;DDD XD
after, remedial,sarah borrowed me $1 , 10cent .
i need to break it bcos 60 cents for bus fare ,50 cents for
my bus pass bcos i only have $27 when it is $27.50 ... 50 cents less.
thank you sarah for lending me money :)
then while breaking the $1 sarah gave me, a $1 coin drop
at first , i didn't know that it was mine bcos i didn't remember having $1
in my $27,then i gave it to this sec 1 boy uhh..
then in the bus, i counted my money and it was only $26.50...
that is wen i realise..
CB LAHHHHH , the bus pass $27.50 ,how to pay???
BUT , something i thought wouldn't happen , happened :))
i said to the pak cik at the MRT service counter ,
"Cik , bleh sponsorkan saye $1 tak? saye cume ader $26.5o utk bas pass.....
kurang satu dolar je...*showing pathetic & sad face* :("
then he said "Boleh...."
i was shocked ,"Huh? BOLEH?"
he replied "boleh , tak pe , awak kan slalu buat bas pass kat sini"
i said , "Oh, trime kasih banyakbanyak cik! " *tersenyum lebar*
hahahahahahahaahahah . (tak tau malu eh aku?)
heehees . daaa tak payah jln balek rumah dgn beg berat :))
Anyway, miss teo pon kate , its better to have a thick face than you shyshy
and thin skin , we should speak up more often to clear any doubts and ask qns ,
if not , we're at the lost :))
Yearhhhhh,that's what happene:))d today folks ...
will be updating if i rajin okay ?
do tag & read others again . take care!!!!! :DDDD