Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Okay , so i've not update my blog for quite sometime already..... all because of CT2 yo... paham2 uh... Haiz.... very stressed... :-l
So, this post will be abt a survey...bace lah...
Survey; tagged by urhhh...actually i dont really noe..its two ppl actually...sarah & fiona but fiona wants me to do abt her so... Here goes...:D
1. The first person who tag/pass you is? FIONABBY!
2. Your relationship with him/her? Oh she's my beloved bff,mummy & pornstar!:P
3. Your five impression of him/her?She's pretty,caring,funny,cool,very pleasant ! ^^
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you? Hmmmm...too many uh...:-S its usually about always being there for me when i needed her to hear me out and my problems..^^
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?" Most memorable??? too many & too much also!!!!:D my brain is blank now so i dont noe.. :))
6. If he/she become your lover, you will? We will live happily forever after..;))
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be? Make decisions for herself by listening deep inside her heart and just follow her natural instincts..
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will? I will not be able to sleep for days ,become emo and cry bitterly everyday...
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be? Because other people sabotage our friendship or a big misunderstanding occured
10. The most desired thing you want to do now for him/her is? Make her studies be balanced & better and not merosot just because of a distruptive,distractive four letter word called LOVE...
11. Your overall impression of him/her is? Haiyah...alot ah... urhh... sastifaction guranteed ah being with her... hahahahaha XD
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?I don't know...up to them ah what they think abt me..
13. The characters you love of yourself are? i'm passionate,lovable,warm,hospitable,& urhh..Kay nevermind... dont want to puji myself that much... :)) hehees..
14. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself are? Being hurt & disappointed unnecessarily bcos expecting a person to do the same to me what i've done to them when actually we're not supposed to expect anything in return...bcos its abt giving yo...
15. The most ideal person you want to be is? nabi muhammad :)) insyallah...
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them? THANK YOU FOR LIKING ME BUT IF CAN LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE ME!!!^^ I'LL CARE & LOVE YOU TOO!
17. Pass this quiz to 10person that you wish to know how they feel about you. Pass to people with blogs only.
18. Who is no.6 having relationship with? ;shiqin? hmm..dun noe.. she didnt say anything..:(
19. Is no. 9 a male or female? ;Liyana? SEXY FEMALE YO...;))
20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? ; Izzati & emma?? good arh... make friends:)
21. What is no.2 studying about? ; what i'm studying and i'm malas to list it all out except that she took art while i dnt....
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? ; Chat? no,but talk... urhh..yesterday..today she didnt come to sch mah...
23. What kind of music band does no.8 like? ; Sonia?? idk..... everything ah....
24. Does no.1 have any siblings? ; Sofia? yeahhhh, total 4 including herself..
25. Will you woo no.3? ; Fiona?? dont want later alfian kill me....
26. How about no.7? ; izzati?? cannot woo ah , don't dare bcos she got berd already..hahahaha ^^
27. Is no.4 single? ; Sarah? yeahhhhh but she's my BF already....(boyfriend+bestfriend):))
28. What is the surname of no.5? ; Kim?? i not sure...whats surname anyway?? first name? middle name? or last name? or nick name? --.--
29. What's the hobby of no.10? ; Emma? shiok sendiri i think... hahahahaha XD
30. Does no.5 and 9 get along well? ; Kim and liyana?? of course ah,same cca and go countless outing together pon...
31. Where is no.2 studying at? ; Fatin,admiralty sec.
32. Talk something casually about no.1. ; Sofia,GoodFriend,BFF still i think....smart,lovely,pretty,hot,baek^^
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.6? ; Shiqin? OUH YESSS, bcos she's very adorable and sweet!
34. Where does no.9 live at? ; Liyana?? hmm..i went to her house b4 for hari raya but dun noe already...
35. What colour does no.4 like? ; Sarah?? hmm.. i think black & white :))
36. Are no. 5 and 1 best friends? ; kim and sofia? hmmm,dulu damn rapat ah but now okay2 i think....
37. Does no.1 have any pets? ; sofia?? ADER!..... S O T O N G ! hahahaha XD
38. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? ; izzati? bleh dikatekan ah...hahahaha :))
39. What is no.6 doing now? ; shiqin?I don't know...sleeping perhaps..
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

pout it HOT like me !

Alaaahai.... :)

No ikah,no sunshine! ;)

I Love Sarahbby! ( )3
Pictures taken on sunday during excercise time with sarah & emma. :))
Sunday,got madrasah,woke up late and didn't feel like getting ready...
But force myself... and i make sarah wait so longgggggggggggggggg...
I'm so stupid,annoying,merepek fren.grrrrrrrr. i got ready so late but sarah still
waits for me. Thank You very much.
Though i do feel really bad, so i want to treat her.
I asked her to choose what she want , chocolate? no. keropok? no. pau? no.
finally , its air bottle , peach tea . :)
As usual , during madrasah we crap , laughed, and others you can think of...
then suddenly we were thinking want to go joging together or excercise?
And yes it was decided .
Madrasah ends,1.30pm . Few hours later , blahblahblahblah .
At 5 + pm , got ready and went out to meet sarah to excercise.
Emma too was with us , planned with her when she called me up.
Dier ade bola VOLLEY BALL lahhh seyyy. Mahal and new , she can't wait
to play with it with us :)
And she bought it with her own money$$$ , OhhMyGawddddddd,
if i , i would have bought clothes,dress,pumps,etc.
if i'm not mistaken , it cost $$60+ . FUHH!
Anyway,while the three of us were walking on the pavement nearby s'poresportsschool,
something STUPID happened.
There was a group of mats , not even mats . i think its mat sentol/kental. with their bicycles...
One of them shouted :
"Eh , yg biru tu! ... bleh knal2 tak?"
and i was like *harghhhh!*
emma was wearing orange , sarah , red . and i in blue , obviously its ME.
i panicked , i didn't know they were MAT MELAYU bcos from far , they were quite dark like indian uh so i don't care . Tapi lupenyer melayu. Haiyo..
tak habes2 a few of them mekik2 "Eh!bleh knal2 tak? "
i was scared already , and i said "Eh , dahlah dahlah . Jln cpat2 , cepat!"
Sarah siak uh , dier lagi bleh mekik "NAMER DIER ATIKAH !!"
'''Oi sarah! diam lah bodoh! " i said.
tak stop tau dier, dier lagi bleh continue , "Nombor dier NINE...SIX...SIX ....."
"Oit! Aku simbar air nie kat kau baru tau." *raising the water bottle in my hand*
and finally she stopped. i walk hurriedly wanting to be far far far away from the boys.
After a while , they stopped. phew!
Few minutes later , we reached the running track and played the volleyball.
abe tibe2 it bounce & roll maha roll till dropped into the LONGKANG .
Ewwwwwwwwwww :-S
The longkang was
DAMN DIRTY , really have
alot of bacteria in the water.
colour and 'things' floating on it says it all.....
Emma and sarah was the one trying to take in back.
I decided not to touch the ball for the rest of the day after what happened.
After washing it with my water, the
SMELL was still there...
so bachen!
sarah & emma continued to play for awhile, while i already started jogging to finish the track.
Sorry , you guyz bcos i didn't play the ball with you .
My hand have rashes and ade terkopek siket.
Whenever kene air , pedih .
I'm even a burden to my mother as i can't wash my dish after eating and she'll have to wash it. haiyo , apelagi if i touch the ball yg da masok the longkang with dirty waters tu, lagi worsen my condition nanti .
I hope u guys understand. :]
Then somehow we got separated, i waited for them somewhere but they didn't see me and walk the other direction. I thought they were angry at me thats why they ignored me. And so i went to vista park . Mcm loner sey.
After awhile, sarah called my hp , i thought they were angry at me bcos i ngade2 don't want to play and touch the ball, but actually they didn't saw me . so the day went on as per normal and I enjoyed myself :)) We camwhore , joke around , crapped like h***. :D
So , yearh , thats what happened .
Monday and today , hmmmmm , is there anything special happened?
i don't know but i 'just can't seem to type anymore . Besides , i don't want to make this post a long lengthy one and make it sound boring already...
Kimbby didn't come to sch today :( Why??
Kay , thats all for now , will be updating if i rajin .
Take Care Readers ! :))
p/s: are you referring to me , or not?