Sunday, March 28, 2010
"Cause i'm leaaaaaving, on a jet plane.."

that's bilah n yana. my younger sisters. okay i wish to go indonesia again this year.. i shud save up money and not spent them.
I want jeans from lunamaya's boutique! :))))
Today went jogging with emma. :D finally, i can do that updown exercise thing, the one that's for your thighs, for 3 whole songs nye duration without stopping.. yayyyy! hooray for meee.^^
Then we jogged, and i was pushing and motivating emma.. she did tried her best and im proud of her. :) GOOD JOB MAMA! :} then we did the waist exercise thingy,the one that moves exactly like a pendulum of a clock. And of course the twist-twist version waist exercise too..
it feels great to do workout. it is said that working out or even walking to your destination will boost your mood. i became hyper..while excercising, i wud sing out loud while emma will be laughing cos i look funny with my semangat-ness by the way i was singing.. HAHAHA x)
hmmm, then that time i told emma, eh lets go indonesia together.. then we'll go SHOPPING! we can get good cheap clothes there. But we got to save our money laa. cause we dont want to burden our parents. Moreover,i just went there last year in december. i was there for three weeks. isn't dat longgggg? luckily i got many relatives staying there, so i can live at their house and they can bring us arounddddd.hmm,gotta work during poly holidays and earn those ka-chingka-chings. :DDD her mum agreed and wud let her go once we have enough money.
i'm so touched and surprised(in a good way) that her mum wud let her go as she trust me.
saturday was FUN hanging out at emma's crib. Friday was not bad as well. When me n emma was walking into the school, students outside the G.O. was staring at us. and i was like..wth? do they even recognise us? i dont think so. well yearh, we're your seniors. but that doesnt mean you should look at us that way. Then mr vincent lim was there, he seems to recognise me. i looked at him and smiled, he said Hello*smiling*. and i replied the same. it just make me excited n smwhat happy to meet the teachers again in adss. then the G.O was quite full with some of the eury boys. i was contemplating weather to just wait outside or go inside.. but whattheheck i just go in anyway. and we waited while each of them had signed the list after collecting their testi n certs.
when come to our turn,no staff approach us. not immediately. but nvm, they're busy. while waiting, suddenly i saw mr neville teo was nearby.. he came towards us to the desk to take smth.
then suddenly he said, Waah, mcm pengatin uh..
i wasnt sure if he's referring to me,the only females was me and emma.then beside us was three chinese boys. i dont know how to react or what to say back as i dont want to be prasan or paiseh, so i just said Good Afternoon...*smiles&knod* hahahaa..
he walked away to continue with his work, i asked and re-confirmed with emma, "eh,dier tadi kate waah mcm pengatin uh kan?" emma A'ah. ikah Dier refferring kat sape sey? aku ke kau? tkkn ms sharifah? haha! aku tau lah dier bru kahwin tapi dier tkde pon. X)
i think and feel that he's referring to me. Cause i did dress up well to look good;) and besides that he often disturb me. Ever since sec three cause im popular for being late often.. :} i miss him scolding and being sarcastic to me! hahaha! he's a scorpio.. no wonder he disturb aries like me n izzati(p.e.time).
then,while we were in the midst of collecting our testimonials n certs, helmi and his friends was waiting outside G.O. i feel akward idk why but then again, i cudnt be bother so i just talked with emma.. Just when i walk out of the G.O, i saw a familiar person. male, from ncc, i didnt wear specs so my vision kind of blur. after squinting for a while then i was confident it was azri coming into the school. Funny that we DID actually ter-serempak with each other cause we were just chatting the day before..
hmm..will becoming back 2school on teacher's day. will see how everybody progresses/changes after being in a different environment..:))))
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What am i thinking..?
For the past few days that had gone by.. i feel like a lost-soul-girl. its like.. i know what i already want in my future.. i envision it already. All i have to do now is to work hard and strive my way through achieving it and be successful. :)
then what else do i have to do and plan next?? idontknow. i pretty much get what i wanted already. a laptop,hp,job,salary,new clothes,dearest&nearest,fun times,memories,the course which is a pathway towards my future.. and the rest that i want are just extra stuff.. i need to be happy and thankful for what i have. Sometimes i look like im asking for more but then again,when i look at other ppl and compare with them... i'm like considered lucky and has some advantage. There's this girl whom i envy frm my sec sch, she come frm a rich family, her dad is a boss or supervisor or smth, she always get what she wants.. cool clothes,latest gadgets,expensive make up. then wen i read her blog. its a pity that many ppl dislike her. She used to have a few close frens,fame and all that but now... she seems so negative abt things. When i read her profile, she sound so miserable and upset. Which just shows how much ppl around has been treating her. Im guessing its bad. But oh well, last time i use to hate her for what she did and always do, hoping karma will get back to her. Now that she's like getting it, i smwhat sympathized(imnotsurehowtospell) her.
that time i look at this website frm msn, i think frm lifestyle.. then they said that research have shown that money doesnt make anyone happy. Its meaningful & happy relationships that make us human happy. Regardless weather its love, friendship, colleagues, family.. And yes i can understand why its true... so, when ppl are down or smth, it must be that they dont get the relationship that they wanted or how their special significant didnt treat them the way they wanted, in fact, may hurt and disappoint them. ive been there, and done that. i dont usually cry or breakdown easily. but when i do, its because of these kind of stuffs. Gosh, i cant believe i cried for that jerk. AND, i break down twice or thrice just bcos of him. Which i find it stupid now cause there are many human beings out there, if this one doesnt work, sure the next one will, or the next one, or the next one or.. oh well, there's a soulmate for everyone! dont worry, my time and your time will come... Now its kind of too early n too young to find The ONE. hahah! Now is just for company, adding spice into our life, hoping they'll bring more meanings into it..
so here's some motivational words to cheer you ppl up and perhaps me too,(okay i got to snap out of this.i think my-lost-soul-girl will vanish when monday comes;)
Disappointments are like road humps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Dont stay on the humps too long. Move on!
When you feel down because you didnt get what you what, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking of something better to give you... ;DDD
When something happens to you,good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to life's events, teaching you to laugh more or not to cry too hard... :))))
You cant make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the peson to realize your worth.. <3
When you truly care for someone, you dont look for faults, you dont look for answers, you dont look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults and you overlook the excuses.
Friendship is like wine,it gets better as it grows older.
p/s: but what if you didnt look for the faults but they the ones who causes it? what if it doesnt get better when it IS supposed to?? what if, is just get bad-er?
i cant just ignore and overlook can't i? cause i try perfecting the love i give, then the abuser, whether its my money,time or resources, they just love taking whatever i can give.... :/
Okay simply, dont make me feel as if u are the abuser.Cause i might just give you the in-your-face REPLY. And nobody wants that to happen. SO BE GOOD GIRLS EVERYBODY. (V)PEACE.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
jogging's healthy.. :]]zaman2 sec two=2oo7 X)
I KNOW.. we look so different right?? HAHAHAHA
oh well.. what do you expect.. kate sec two, mesti ah kental..
lower sec kirekn.. :}
i was looking at my msn hotmail and i didnt realize thr's this old picture i kept.
it was on 26/11/2007.
school term must be over then we, the drama chics would go EXCERCISE or JOGGING at HILL...
GOSH we look so different... but look at everybody now..
each and every one of us had changed so much. SO MUCH.
in a good way of course. both external & internal as well..
and im proud of everyone.(:
hmmm yday went jogging with lisha.
i was shocked to experience how struggling i was trying to complete two whole rounds of running at vista park track w/out stopping. Usually i would feel the tired-ness after running 1.1/2 round,
this time i felt it after running 1.1/8 round. Gee, how disappointing.. but thats what happen if we dont excercise often. i think the last time i excercise was early feb, before the chalet.
So after not running for one month, suddenly my bottom felt extra heavy. But i just move on & keep running. Forcing myself that i can make it till TWO ROUND FULL WITHOUT STOPPING.
And, i did. Pheeww. Thanx to my playlist cause the songs is just so good and fast-beat like motivating me to run.
is there anythg i cn learn frm this? idk. maybe it tells me that it doesnt matter how you start, or how fast or how slow you go..
its how you came up & finish in the end.
yes life is like that. smtimes u feel regret cause u think oh i can do better than this, oh i should have done that, oh i wish i etc.. i wish i wish i wish only.
but there's no action. this suddenly remind me abt my o lvl result. very strange but yearh,
i do feel disappointed n smwhat regret. for my dnt esp. but what the heck,its done.
thr's ntg i cn do abt it. i'll just make noise and punish myself.. then i'll be miserable n may go sot.
haha! sot is the term which me n ma girlfriend often use. to describe ppl. when theyre in that situation.
kay so after running, i wud go to the twist2 part, to urmm.. twist my waist. no girls would like their waist to bcome rectangle. it must always have shape. like hourglass. so i twist n twist n twist as long as five songs nye duration=20mins. then thr'll be cramp around my ribcage area...
hahaha! but nehmind.its okay. no pain no gain pe.. :]
then to the sitting-excercise-machine. Kay idk wat they wud call it but its just an excercise facility whereby u sit then ur leg put smwhr at e front, n u go updown updown with it. so basically it''ll give e strain n pressure n u can feel e muscles in ur thighs n calves working. Ni part paling susah dan mencabarkan. lasttime i can do many reps for 3-songs nye duration. Without stopping. Now? to do for one song pun susah. what happen sia? muscles, can u wake up or not?!?
co-operate with me can? dont be like this}:-l *kayshutupikah,usoundretarded*
i just keep doing n doing n doing till i can atleast do that excercise move without stopping for one whole song. 1st was pitbull room service, then shots , then sky's the limit, next kiss me through the phone. after four songs, i still couldnt do it witout stopping.. haiss.. cause i'd stop for awhile n catch my breath. at e same time. my leg muscles was starting to hurts.
BUT Finally, when e track carry out was playing, then i can do my sitting-updown2-excercise move without stopping for that whole 3:55mins. pheww. what an accomplishment.
kay bedek. last time i can do for three songs without stopping. HAIYAH.
kaylah, i'll warm up and do better than that. so long already didnt excercise. of course uh result like toooooot. then when i go home, shower,pray, then fall asleep. frm 7+pm all e way till 9.30pm. just in time to watch Cinta IXora^^ tu pun maseh mabok2 n mate tk fully open O.O HAHAH!
so im happy that i did work out. i keep to my promise. i shall do that tday also. BUT,
i didnt fulfill and meet my another promise. which is to SLEEP EARLY!!
okay ppl, dont be shocked by what im about to say.. the time n date now is 22march10, 9:02am
and i didnt sleep since cinta IXora!!! another half-and-hour means ive been awake for 12 HOURS. rabak pe.. after watching cinta ixora idk wadehell i do.
i just know that i stayed awake while my sis use my laptop for her sci homework.
stupid, monday skola beh 12am bru nk start? bdh sia. when i was sec 2 even i wasnt that bad.
i wud have start researching at 7 or 8 pm gtu. sec 2 i gd gerl sey. sarah pon. that was my studious year of all. so semangat in every test or homework. then we together2 get good progress award(Y). (me&sarah)
~~as i was saying, stayed awake, then watch america next top model on channel 5, then after that was freaky friday. haha.. so cool... i love that show.. i never get sick n tired of it even though ive watched it many times. then blahblahblah morning routines, and send my youngest sister to her skool. I think after this post,im gonna slp like what idk n waking up in the noon.....
like around 2 or 3pm.:} hehees.
i must sleep early tmrw! at ten or eleven latest. and later i must jog n work out.
kay ikah, stop staying awake n sleep early PLEASE. Poly starting soon and you cant be late for poly cause it'll affect ur grade n assessment! secondary school late nvm, it doesnt interfere n got ntg to do with ur o lvl results. teacher wnt write it on testimonial even cause testi is abt good stuff only... :))) i like what my mdm arfah wrote abt me..
the last sentence which summarize the whole thg, it said..
"This imaginative and resourceful young lady is sure to have a promising future."
so simple and straight to the point. cheyyyy. idk what or how she wrote abt others la but when i read other ppl's one, the sentence & vocab adjectives used are the same.. and repeated.
at first i pity her cause she need to write abt the whole class, 30+ students is alot. i wondered how she cn squeeze her brain n use all the diff type n numerous vocabulary to describe us.
but then i got to know frm one of my dnt teacher that they actually keep a book of the past students records. so all they have to do was just to read n copy paste n choose which sentence to state in the student's testimonial. SHEESH. so easy like that. copy n choose je.
i think words yg laen was like industrilized,intelligence, self-descipline self-motivated to learn etc.. an elaboration which simply just meant that their imagination has been fired up by academic tuition. mine has been fired up. i know education is bloody impt. in singapore they want ur paper qualifications. im stupid to choose to relax n be lazy n do things e last minute.. hahah x)
other ppl study months or at least one month before o lvl exam. i terror, study weeks n even days before e exam. o.O
power kepe. last minute cram de la cram. HAHA.
but i dun think i cn get away if in poly already.... kay, in poly i bcum nerd uh. Friends with nerd also. Dont want to fren with fashionista. Later my mind will be distracted n my focus will be altered. dont want n dont wish that to happen. Nerd mostly are kind, ive not seen the bully kind but ever seen the selfish one. i friend with the helpful generous one. then we excel together. (Y)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
That time i took a quiz on fb, it was; Are you getting enough sleep?And my result was i get TOO MUCH sleep. and i find it true. i do sleep too sleeping hours is bad. Ever since graduation day, i sleep very late. VERY.i fall asleep earliest at 2am. then i'll end up waking up at 1pm or 2pm..... (which is equal to 12hrs of sleep= too much)Now is already march(my bday month;), with this new lappy.. i'm sleeping wayyyyy around 5 or 6am. there's one time it was at 12noon then only i fall asleep. Then i'll wakeup at 2 or 3pm. Gosh, this is bad.i should stop this habit. Poly starting in april, so i got to train waking up early. like around 9 or 10am.During these holidays, its either im working or stay at home or go out. But mostly i stay at home.And what can we do by staying at home?? nothing much.even the internet doesnt help. its still BORING. and im getting heavier. that scares me....i may look the same but i really am getting heavier.. :( im so sad & devastated by that fact.Okay, starting from tday, i will sleep early. no, wait, i MUST sleep early. and exercise everyday at vista park. I GOT TO LOSE THOSE EXCESS WATER N WEIGHT FRM MY BODY. its very bad for my health,yes i maybe tall, but i cannot let my weight reach till the last two digit of my height which is weight got to be ten or twelve less difference with my last-two-height digit number.if its over or reach 62, that means im in trouble. :oAND I DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN.
so c'mon ikah!! work out more and sleep early!! i know you can do it!! *cheeringownself*hmm, then recently. some ppl piss me off. they way they say and do things. like omg.unbelievable. how dumb and stupid can they be man. its the stuff that its easily avoided, so for nothing they made me angry pissed mad like @#!$%!^&*#$%!!haiyo. they dont know anything, then act as if they know. hah. gasak kau laa nak.tengok lah sape yg btol nanti.only WE, know the truth. only ME & MY SISTER know which's real and which's its okay. we'll see how it turns out later..dont be disappointed if things dont turn out the way you expected.cause i already said. AND, I ALREADY if you trust and believe that person so much, that you buy their words.then i pity you my fren. cause that person is saying that just to please you.asal boleh ckp, asal boleh layan, without even asking h** friends.i wish i could tell you in person, but i cant cause i already promise someone not to tell. you dont believe what i said. you dont trust my judgement since the very beginning. me and my sister aka sarah wont lie.just bcos that person says so, you think its true? up to you lah of the "XYs" said, " kalau plan go ahead ah but dont get mad wen the response expected isnt well"anyway, goodluck in everything. hope it'll be a success. after what happened between the ram and the lion, im not interested to go. nak buat,berani ckp lah.c'mon give me your best shot. prove me wrong gyrls.i've been giving & doing & helping too much, so now i wanna let YOU take the lead.what appears to be somebody else's promise, was fulfilled by another person's action.hah. WOW. U'RE SUCH A CHAMPION. im not asking for credit, but pleasee laa..the very least you can do is treat me accordingly.everytime when devil hit you, you bcome kookoo for all the wrong reasons & acting like @#!$%!^&*#$which basically & simply tells/show me that u're unappreciative and tak tau diri, and tak tau malu!sedar lah diri siket eh? sebelum perkara benar dan dalam bocor. nampak je sweet alrite tu semuwer tapi takde bende pon yg boleh diharapkan! yearh,im the bad one. often appears too agressive. brash or whatsoever but i admit and i know myself lah. i know where i stand uh. unlike some ppl."ckp je byk, tapi tk jalan." like one of my bestfren said. aku ni, ckp byk tapi still jalan ah... tak mcm kau. ape kau bleh buat ah? sini ah tunjuk uh.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
HELLOE HELLOE PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!WOW. this is so random of me to blog. Cause its been ages since i last blog-ed.. hehees :}
well.. thats bcos im busy or working or simply not interested to post.
Now that i have my OWN LAPTOP
,(like finally) i can do
gosh i cant believe this thing is actually mine & mine only.. :))
Thank you berry much daddy for buying me this. i simply love it!
this lappy is so COOL. the disc thingy can take out then i cud put the extra extended battery cells. its lightweight. its my lucky colour. the specs is just
freakin awesome.....
Okay, my part-time job is laptop-promoter for sony vaio. i started since nov last year.
its not fixed n my location changes..
sometimes at IT shows, courts or bestdenki.
the pay i get is
good. i actually intend to work at jurongbirdpark.
they accept me but until today, they didnt email a duty timetable or smth.. STUPID.
jbp sucks. im so angry n pissed with them. }:-l
but its okay, i learn to like my laptop promoter job and the pay is much better than jbp.
moreover i get commission. :}
ka-ching.ka-ching. WUW!
soooooo, i feel guilty cause i didnt buy a vaio laptop wen im a promoter of that brand.
i bought smth better, i bought fujitsu... :DDD
To those ppl who are buying laptops, i tell you, the top three brands are FUJITSU,SONY VAIO & iMAC or apple whatever.
the rest are not reliable... im a promoter,i talked with other promoters and so i know..
ACER especially. The courts ppl told me, THEY THEMSELVES SAY,
acer is the top-selling-brand
,(cause its cheap) BUT its also the brand that easily spoiled n give lots of problem...
my workfren;syafi,b4 he was a promoter, he worked at sim lim tower to repair laptops..
other brands only one or two, acer was like eight to ten piled up...
toshiba is also no good.gateway as well.compaq is also not good.
hmm,if u guys have budget and need to buy the less costly ones,
asus,dell,n hp is ok. But when i compared the prices of those three to vaio...
u only add a few hundreds only and u can get a good branded one like vaio.
vaio is for
status-seekers, bcos of its design & the many colours it offers n choice available... :))
thats what i love abt vaio. i actually want a red laptop,e CWseries but its 2.4kg whch is quite heavy.
mine now is only 1.8kg..its the lightweight series for fujitsu n it says its all time favourite
so naturally it appeals to me..k lol.
hmmm i got to take care of this new baby..its so precious.
F i n a l l y mre quarrelling with my siblings nor scolding mum nor argueing nor waiting to take turns whenever i want to use the laptop & play e internet!!
cause i have my own! gosh im so glad n thankful.
Thanks daddy.<3 i love you! (: ive always preferred you..
well,i am daddy's gerl..hehees. unlike my siblings, they're all gerls but
they dont even give present or even a card on his bday... tsk3. What kind of daughters are they. well except for lisha cos she's still young. SHEESH!
despite me reminding and advicing them, all fell on deaf ears..
okay,i think im gonna end here. i want to do some other stuff..
till i update again readers...
byeeeeeeeee,tc. (: