Sunday, May 9, 2010
" Go fly kite "
i can fly kite at indonesia but not at marina barrage?!?!Is it the wind here or is it just me?????
Naahhh, its me.. That kite in e picture was actually already in the air and i just took it from the man who was selling it.. :} HAHAHAH! X) Hmmmm, friday and saturday was DA BOMB. I did enjoyed myself for both outings. Friday is funny, e movie the back-up plan is hilarious. i really concentrate till some ppl can make fun out of it... yeahh, well people should know that i really like entertainment and i do watch the TV alot. so that should explain it. :D *khusyuk benar eh ikah*
hahahaha! X) well ten bucks to watch movie is kind of costly,cause i know that the last time i watched movie, momma just pay $6. i can watch it from the internet actually but nvm, time spent with GFs is priceless. it did made me happy and ill-feelings was gone for awhile. :DDD
Then comes super saturday! and four out of five of us play kites at marina barrage!^^ awesome much. but it would have been more awesome and gerek if hid did come along... Nehmind, thr will always be a next time :)))))) we can make time for each other. Unless its exam period then cannot lah.. hahahah. Well i dont want to elaborate much abt saturday, pictures will be uploaded later by soul sista aka sarah :DDD let the pictures explain it all..........
About e kite, though i had fun... it was tiring.... i ran and ran, tossing and turning e kite into e air..
FUHHHH. it takes alot of my energy. then after the whole thing, when sarah talked to me, my reply is pathetic bcos i was too tired and almost expressionless. muke confirm merepek. hahahah. so sorry my dear, i didnt mean it... but she know i was tired.. gosh, this show how easily tired and weak i am. Lpas main KITE je takleh react properly.. Boo me.. *BOOOO*
Sofia can make it fly so easy. Gosh how did she do that? jealous i. I guess i need time to practice and develop the skill for playing kite. Nehmind, i'll buy somemore and practice with sarah at our neighbourhood backyard. we'll play at the hill some time to come.^^ WUW!
i keep saying that when i was playing kite with sarah at one point.. X) HAHAHAHAHA! :DDDD
funny or whaatttt.. hehehees :}
then today got madrasah, as usual me and sarah is late :} blahblahblah learnt about agama hindu and how & when islam was actually spread to singapore. Actually this country is supposed to be a malay country bcos of org laut and org melayu-islam staying in this land. thanks to Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles importing thousands of people from china, org melayu-islam yang at first the majority become the minority....danggggggg.
though friday & saturday i had a great time and was feeling happy and all.. i felt weird tday. like reaaalllyyyyyyyyyyy weeeeiiirrrrrrdddddddd. esp when going home time. i talked non-sense. poor soul sista got to hear/entertain/endure my crap. :S i was kind of sot, wait no, v e r y sot. and a little bit emo i think. or very? i dont know.. :l i dont know what's going on and what's exactly in my head/heart. maybe i think too much. and i was telling her that i miss someone. someone that i shouldnt miss. cause he is merepek. and never change. haiyaaaaa. well i miss the good times with him though. Our conversation can be so deep & personal. *okayshutupikahthatsthepast*
hmmm i think i cracked. i think i may cracked in the future or i already did. i think too much. making assumption/inferring. gosh my brain like to imagine things. i shouldnt take every little detail into consideration or my head will explode, and no one wants that to happen. I must force myself to be objective before i drive myself crazy. or else it cud cause unneccesary problems.
till then, i havent figure out my objective nor the problem. yet. got some emotional clearing to be done.
p/s: sometimes i wonder, should i tell someone(=complain), to keep quiet, or to just be honest? i have always, always picked the third one.. till some thgs happened & made me think i should picked the second or first one. heh. and as i have always guessed since god knows how long, the second one may not be healthy. you know what i mean.